You'll usually be able to bring more units to the front, with better equipment, and better generals. If you play this portion of the game well then you'll have a distinct edge when it comes time for actual battles. Air National Guard photo by Master Sgt.So far this guide has talked about the strategic, turn-based part of the game. I’m proud of our Airmen’s ability to generate and employ with the highest level of excellence in a contested environment and with complete. We know they are watching, so it is good for them to know we can bring the fight at any time. “The 175th Wing is always ready to answer our nation’s call and defend our country from our adversaries. “Our ability to generate combat airpower at a moment’s notice helps promote regional stability because we can immediately respond to any threat,” said U.S.

“Our maintainers are some of the best in the Air Force, and this is concrete proof of our ability to bring the full force of our airpower to bear whenever it is needed.” Hunt, vice commander of the 175th Wing in a public release.

“Seeing our entire fleet on the runway, it’s just an awesome display of combat power,” said U.S Air Force Col. 16 A-10C Thunderbolt II aircraft assigned to the 175th Wing, Maryland Air National Guard, conducted a mission generation exercise and an “elephant walk” at Warfield Air National Guard Base at Martin State Airport, Middle River, Md., November 3, 2021. 3, 2021 and involved the Maryland Air National Guard, that carried out a mission generation exercise at Warfield Air National Guard Base in Middle River, Maryland, that involved 16 A-10C Thunderbolt II aircraft, that is to say every Warthog (as the A-10 is nicknamed) assigned to the 104th Fighter Squadron. The latest in this long series of mission readiness drills took place on Nov. Actually, most of times, these “walks” are staged just to get some nice shots (and this is perfectly fine, because the photographs generate much more interest), as the exercise’s goal is obviously not to taxi along the runway in close formation but to assess the ability launch as many aircraft as possible, in the shortest time possible.