This is an absolutely gorgeous looking Transformers toy. And, as with the other coneheads, Hasbro does go all out by giving Ramjet the different wings he should have. That's something even the (better) Earthrise mold couldn't do. I really like the classics version of the mold for the coneheads over the seekers for the lack of kibble behind the head in robot mode. I like the retooling, love that jet mode, love that secret door paneling on the wings that rotates, I like the step of flipping the cockpit chest to be more screen accurate, and I loathe the giant dong it gives him and the other coneheads. MP Ramjet being on this list takes none of that QC in consideration and looks at the toy as intended and as I hope he is in your collection. So good news for some in a sea of bad news. But the toy did get corrected and it since retailers were told to keep the bad copies, they could have been obtained for really cheap by any fan willing to try to fix it themselves. Paying $200 for a dated mold is already not fun but for it to have such bad QC is shameful. The initial batch of Masterpiece Ramjet toys were misassembled the the point of not being able to convert the toy. While I am far more lenient on the conehead version of the MP mold, due to all the extra retooling you get for each of the coneheads' unique wing patterns, I have to address the elephant in the room. It featured new firing missile launchers and a sound effects box, along with a rad G2 deco. Interestingly enough, this variant of the G1 seeker mold was first done for Ramjet, with Starscream coming after. While writing the lists for the coneheads, what I did find interesting was that each of them had at least one toy which is unique to them. Since many of these molds have already been visited in the past, the blurbs for each will be rather brief. Ramjet is the next seeker/conehead we look at in this series of lists. Let's have fun! All previous lists can be found here. These are my opinions (just like movie or game reviews hosted by sites are still just the opinion of one person) so what matters most is what you guys think of the topic or list, and I hope to see your own lists or comments on omissions and ranking.

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